Search for Alpha Vantage Ticker Symbol

Not sure if a security is in the Alpha Vantage database? Just enter a symbol to see if it's supported. In addition to stocks listed on  major U.S. stock exchanges the database includes hundreds of symbols for U.S. exchange-traded funds (ETF) and mutual funds. Stocks, ETFs and mutual funds traded on non-U.S. exchanges are also supported. Indexes are not supported.

Enter a symbol to check if it is supported.

Search for Symbol

As of November 19, 2021, there are problems with the Alpha Vantage search database so some valid symbols are reported as invalid symbols. (GE and Z are examples).

Non-U.S. Symbols

The search routine returns three-letter exchange codes for non-U.S. exchanges. One-letter exchange codes from Yahoo Finance are also supported.

Australian stocks (.ASX) are not supported.