Portfolio of Soft Drink Beverage Stocks

Here are 8 stocks from the soft drink beverage industry.

8 Soft Drink Beverage Stocks

Name & Return

& Snapshot

Coca-Cola KO
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated COKE
Coca-Cola FEMSA S.A.B de C.V. KOF
Keurig Dr Pepper KDP
Monster Beverage MNST
National Beverage Corp. FIZZ
PepsiCo PEP
Primo Water PRMW
Display Price Chart for each stock.
Display Dividend Chart for each stock.

Portfolio Values

To inspect the performance of the Soft Drink Beverage Stocks portfolio, see the chart below. Portfolio values are computed using monthly closes for stocks from Alpha Vantage.

All 8 stocks are included in the portfolio computations. The current value of the portfolio assumes that $1,250.00 was invested in each stock at its closing monthly price for the first date shown on the portfolio value chart below. All prices are adjusted for splits and dividends.

The current value of the $10,000 investment is $20,191. The percent return is 101.91%. The annualized return is 15.09%.

Portfolio Value Chart for Last 100 Daily Closes

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