Stock Beta Calculator
Use the Stock Beta Calculator to compute Beta for any stock, exchange-traded fund (ETF) and mutual fund listed on a major U.S. stock exchange and supported by Alpha Vantage. Some stocks traded on non-U.S. exchanges are also supported.
Computational Notes:
The calculator uses monthly or weekly closing prices that are adjusted for splits and dividends. The Beta values from the calculator may differ from Beta values found on other financial sites because prices may differ from site to site.
The calculator accepts up to 10 years of weekly or monthly adjusted prices as input. Beta is frequently computed using five years of prices.
The calculator computes Beta using two methods: the covariance/variance method (output table) and the linear regression slope method (output chart).
Both methods use weekly or monthly percentage returns for the selected stock and a stock market benchmark - in this case the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY). The calculator computes the weekly or monthly percentage returns for the stock and SPY from their adjusted prices.
For the first method Beta is the covariance of the stock returns and SPY returns divided by the variance of the SPY returns.
For the second method Beta is equal to the slope of the linear regression trendline of stock returns versus the SPY returns.
The value of Beta should be the same for both methods.
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