Compare Performance of ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) with SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)

Compare Returns for ARKK and SPY
Start DateJan-30-2015Jan-30-2015
Start Price$18.31$167.42
End DateFeb-14-2025Feb-14-2025
End Price$67.02$609.70
Number Monthly Prices122122
Min DateJan-29-2016Sep-30-2015
Min Price$15.48$163.18
Max DateJan-29-2021Feb-14-2025
Max Price$135.55$609.70
Total Return266.12%264.17%
Annualized Return13.62%13.56%
Current Value of $1,000 Purchase$3,661$3,642
Number Returns7,3817,381
Average Return90.66%62.10%
Minimum Return-77.14%-23.93%
Maximum Return775.77%273.63%
Number Profitable Returns5,5916,981
Percent Profitable Returns75.75%94.58%
Number Unprofitable Returns1,790400
Percent Unprofitable Returns24.25%5.42%
Profitable to Unprofitable Returns Ratio3.1217.45
All data are from Alpha Vantage as of today. Stock Dividend, Valuation, Price and Financial Data for Investors - Compare Two Stocks

Compare Performance of Two Stocks Summary

See Stock Return Calculator: Compare Returns for Two Stocks.