AI (ChatGPT) Cyrpto Horror Stories: Mightly Mites

Here is the response from ChatGPT for the prompt science fiction 600 words every crypto newly rich digested by dust producing mites entered on March 17, 2023.

In the year 2045, a group of newly rich individuals who had made their fortunes through cryptocurrency investments were faced with an unexpected problem. They had recently moved into a luxurious high-rise apartment complex in the heart of the city, but their pristine surroundings were soon plagued by a strange and mysterious infestation.

At first, the crypto elite dismissed the issue as a minor annoyance. But as the days went on, the problem grew worse. It seemed that tiny dust-producing mites had infiltrated their building and were spreading throughout the entire complex, leaving a fine layer of dust on everything they touched.

The newly rich were horrified at the thought of living in a dust-filled environment, but their attempts to rid themselves of the pests were futile. They tried every remedy they could think of, from vacuuming to hiring exterminators, but the mites remained stubbornly entrenched.

As the weeks turned into months, the situation grew dire. The mites seemed to be thriving on the wealth and opulence of the crypto elite, feasting on the countless luxury items that littered the apartments. And as they continued to reproduce, they began to spread beyond the confines of the high-rise, infiltrating the surrounding neighborhood and beyond.

Soon, the dust-producing mites became the talk of the city. People whispered about them in hushed tones, fearing the worst. Some claimed that they were the result of a secret government experiment gone wrong, while others speculated that they were the product of an alien invasion.

But the truth was even more disturbing. It turned out that the mites had been created by a rogue scientist, a former crypto investor who had become disillusioned with the world of finance. He had devoted his life to developing a new form of life, one that could thrive on the excess and waste of the wealthy. And now, his creation was wreaking havoc on the world.

As the mites continued to spread, panic began to set in. Governments around the world tried to contain the infestation, but it was too late. The mites had already infiltrated every corner of society, from the poorest neighborhoods to the most exclusive enclaves.

In the end, it was the newly rich who suffered the most. They had thought that their wealth would protect them from the vagaries of the world, but they were wrong. The mites were a reminder that even the most powerful and privileged were subject to the laws of nature, and that no amount of money could protect them from the consequences of their actions.

As the world struggled to come to grips with the mite infestation, some began to look for a way out. They turned to the stars, hoping to find a new home where they could start again. But even as they blasted off into the unknown, they knew that they could never truly escape the legacy of the dust-producing mites. They would forever be remembered as the ones who had brought about their own downfall, and the downfall of the world they had once ruled.

Image by Midjourney

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