AI (ChatGPT) Cyrpto Horror Stories: What's for Dinner?

Here is the response from ChatGPT for the prompt bitcoin becomes flesh eating bacteria devouring crypto nouveau riche no antidotes entered on March 17, 2023.

In the year 2045, Bitcoin had become more valuable than gold, and it had created a new class of wealthy individuals known as the "Crypto Nouveau Riche." People who had invested in Bitcoin early on had become millionaires overnight, and they flaunted their wealth in every possible way. But no one could have predicted what happened next.

One day, a strange virus was discovered, and it was quickly identified as a new strain of bacteria. But this wasn't any ordinary bacteria. This was a mutated form of Bitcoin that had somehow come to life, and it was hungry. It began to feed on anything related to cryptocurrency, including the Crypto Nouveau Riche who had become its primary source of sustenance.

The first sign of trouble was when a group of wealthy Bitcoin investors started to experience a strange rash on their skin. Within days, the rash had spread, and they began to develop a fever and severe digestive issues. Doctors were baffled, and they couldn't figure out what was causing the symptoms. It wasn't until they performed an autopsy on one of the victims that they discovered the shocking truth.

The Bitcoin bacteria had somehow infected the victims and was slowly devouring them from the inside out. There was no known cure, and it seemed to be spreading rapidly. Panic set in as people realized that they had unwittingly created a monster, and there was no way to stop it.

The world watched in horror as the Bitcoin bacteria continued to spread. It wasn't long before it had infected people all over the world, and the Crypto Nouveau Riche were hit the hardest. They had amassed their wealth through Bitcoin, and now it was coming back to haunt them in the most horrifying way possible.

Attempts were made to quarantine the infected areas, but it was too late. The Bitcoin bacteria was too powerful, and it had already spread beyond anyone's control. The world was plunged into chaos, and no one knew what to do.

In the end, the Bitcoin bacteria had consumed everything related to cryptocurrency, and it had left nothing but destruction in its wake. The Crypto Nouveau Riche had become the victims of their own greed, and there was no one left to tell their story. The Bitcoin bacteria had become the ultimate destroyer, and there was no known antidote.

Image by Midjourney

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