Walgreens Boots Alliance Returns Suffer from Long Downside

Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) peaked in July 2015 at around $97 only to fall to around $12 in June 2024.

3D Chart of All Buy any Sell Returns

The following 3D chart of buy and sell percent returns from January 2004 to June 2004 uses 246 monthly closes.

For that period there were 30,135 buy and sell percent returns. Only 10,955 (36.35%) buy and sell returns made money (green areas) and 19,180 (63.65%) lost money (red areas). The ratio of unprofitable returns to profitable returns was 1.75.

Important Lesson

Prolonged price downsides produce unprofitable returns.

See GameStop June 3 - June 21 Unprofitable Returns Outnumber Profitable Returns 2 to 1.

Stock 3D Percent Returns Charts

Analyzing Price Upsides and Downsides

Stock 3d Percent Returns Chart Articles